Tuesday, June 26, 2012

After we arrived...

We had a relatively low key trip planned, but we knew we'd have some shopping to do, Brock & Heather's wedding to attend (photos to come soon), and lots of playing!
The girls were not so willing to look at the camera for this picture!  But they sure looked adorable :)

Chloe swinging on the swing at the park.  If you're ever wondering where my girls are at the park, you should definitely check the swings!

Sweet, curly haired Berkley on none other than the swing.

I joke all the time about how it is like I have three children: a 2-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 28-year old :)

Super-de-dooper chocolate face, compliments of the chocolate  frosted donut she had just devoured!

Sweet Chloe enjoyed donut holes or donuts nearly every morning we visited my grandparents' house!

Berkley l.o.v.e.d jumping, climbing, and crawling on Mike (once she warmed up to him)!

Mike doing a 70lb push-up thanks to his little weights, Chloe & Berk
These girls definitely love their uncle (who is a true mixture of pure child and huggable, snuggly bear)!  What a wonderful father he will be when that time comes :)

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