Well, Chad & I finally decided that Berkley was getting a bit too attached to her binky. And, as most things with children, attachments typically strengthen with time. Berkley got to the point where she would want her binky not just to sleep, but when she was bored, mildly (or even hardly) upset, or if there was a quiet time during the day.
It was just getting to be too much, and we wanted to try to stop it before it got worse (a.k.a. a preschooler with a need for a binky). We had also taken her to the dentist recently, and Dr. Doug said that she would need a retainer because her teeth were, um, I cannot remember precisely how he explained it, but they are not coming in completely straight due to prolonged binky usage. So, after discussing these issues, we came to the conclusion that we would have to take it away cold turkey.
After Berkley's two-year well-child visit seemed like a practical time to be done, and so we were. She has definitely had ups and downs, but she isn't asking for it anymore and has stopped having tantrums every day (thank goodness- it was seriously wearing me out). She is totally like her sister, though- without her binky she doesn't nap unless we are in the car, which has led to falling asleep at 5, at the dinner table, in the car at 4:30 coming home from Stokes, and various other undesirable situations. However, she adjusts well and sleeps early and for most of the night when naps are missed. In fact, I think we decided today that she has been sleeping much better overnight since the binky went bye-bye.
Berkley's last time with her binky This was literally minutes before she was done with it f.o.r.e.v.e.r |
In case you are wondering, we "sent" the binkies in the mail to Dr. McKenna to give to babies who need them but don't have any. We let her choose from a few options of what to do with them; I think this was a good choice :)