Chloe had her 3 year well-visit a couple of weeks ago! It's so unreal to me that she is 3 already... my baby is growing up. She faired well with Dr. McKenna, despite the unexpected shot that was added to the schedule weeks after her 2 year well-visit (which is why we missed it)! She is 33.6 lbs and 36 1/2 inches tall! According to the growth percentile chart this makes her short, 30% even! Not at all what I expected, but she's growing well and doing the things that she should be, so yay for her!
I have a couple of Chloeisms to add to wrap up this post. Enjoy!
1. After getting off of the phone with a guy from Wells Fargo:
Chloe: Who were you talking to?
Me, not wanting to explain the phone call: Just a boy.
Chloe: Oh, like Kenny? (For those of you who don't know, this is our friend Kenny who is married to Melanie & has a daughter, Taya)
Me: No, just a boy from the bank.
Chloe, clearly misunderstanding my saying "bank": Bake. (pause) Oh, like the Baker's man?
2. On our way to Logan to get groceries:
Me, seeing that the sun was shining right in Berkley's face: Sorry, sis! You probably can't see a thing!
Chloe, concerned: Don't worry, Mommy. I'll get the sun away for Berk. (pause) Could you please get out of Berkley's face, Sun? (pause, nothing happens) Sun, could you please move off of Berkley? (pause) I told it to move, and it just didn't listen!
Me: Well, that's probably because the sun doesn't have a mommy to listen to.
Chloe: Maybe its mommy will come talk to it soon.
Me, laughing: Well, who do you think the Sun's mommy is?
Chloe: Umm, maybe like Shari (her aunt, for those of you who may not know). Or maybe like that horse.
Cute pictures! I'm glad that you are having success with Berkley in Chloe's room.
I love the Chloeisms. Cracks me up every time!!
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