Thursday, February 17, 2011

thursday play dates

For the entire month of February we get the pleasure of watching my friend Melanie's daughter Taya while she attends Relief Society meetings at the nursing home in Preston. We've had lots of fun with her, and today I decided to take a few pictures! She loves Chloe's dress-up shoes, but she was getting so frustrated trying to keep them on her little feet! Well, at least she kept them on long enough to snap this cute picture :-)
Berkley loves our instruments; in fact, both Chloe and Taya spend quite a lot of time playing with them, too! We always blow into the recorder, and sure enough, Berkley starts panting and getting excited until we put it up to her mouth. It's hilarious because she always says, "Oo oo" into it as if she's really playing it. So cute!
Chloe was jamming out to her own music. Haha!
Look at the full pout... LOVE it!
Our "piano" was the most popular item. I think all of them were upset with one another at one point thanks to this hot little item!
A cute, but failed attempt at getting a spectacular picture of my girls.
Give this baby one of Chloe's plasic silverware (or any, for that matter), and she'll be entertained for a while :-)
Such a cute picture!
This little girl cracks me up. When she gets mad or frustrated, she squeals, "Dada! Dada!" There hasn't been one Thursday that didn't involve her going up to my t.v. numerous times and saying, "Moo moo," a.k.a movie! Too funny!!

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