Thursday, September 8, 2011
So is the case with my days. Yesterday was hard; trials were weighing heavily in my head and upon my heart. Today, however, was good. We ran some errands in Logan- we got a few things to help improve our yard which we are trying to repair (the sewer system had some issues that they fixed right before we moved in), and I found some snacks & treats to help keep my girls happy on our trip.
Oh yes, our trip is coming up. Chad is going hunting next week, so we (Berkley, Chloe & I) are heading back to Illinois. We are so excited, well, the girls are excited, and I'm a bit nervous. Chloe will be a peach, as always, but Berkley is not too keen on just sitting in my lap. Fingers crossed and prayers said that we will make it there before I pull my hair out! But treats and a few new toys/activities should keep them entertained and, at the very least, content.
Times can be hard, but things get better. I think the best advice I could give myself (or anyone else, for that matter) is that "this too shall pass." Berkley slept terribly the last few nights, but last night was a little better. She is still not doing well (even with the slight improvement last night), so we are going to have a consultation with Dr. McKenna on Monday. I hope that we can find something to help her, which in turn will help us all.
We've got a lot of fun things coming up, so here is to good times, less stress, smiles, and (hopefully... fingers crossed) more sleep :-)
I LOVE being a mom & wife. I LOVE my family (which, for the most part, is all of you). I LOVE the gospel and this chance I have to live this life. Thanks for tuning in... pictures & stories of sweet little ones will follow in the next week or so!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Trials and blessings...
Life is full of trials for all of us; each persons tribulations are personal to them, difficult and frustrating, upsetting and stressful.
Berkley has been sleeping VERY sporadically, all night long one night, waking a couple of times the next, and up nearly every hour on the hour the next night. It's hard not having the opportunity to spend as much one-on-one time with my girls as I'd like. I miss spending time with my amazing husband because my nights are consumed by getting & keeping Berkley asleep and, new to the mix, Chloe waking up nightly. And, as always, finances. Money sucks...period. Almost more stressful than all the others is not knowing what is next for me in life. We all have a path, one that undoubtedly leads back to Heaven, but one that Heavenly Father has for us. After prayers, fasts, and hours of thought have left me still wondering what else there is for me in this life. I'm sure many of you are thinking that there are many wonderful things to come, and I'm certain you are right, but what decisions do I need to make to get there? Most people aren't as analytical about these things as I am, but I cannot help who I am after 26 years of life. When I think about, pray about, talk about decisions, my head and my heart don't match, which makes it even more difficult. I desire to choose the right decisions to take the path that is set for me, and yes, we do have the agency to pick and choose what we do in this life, but I cannot help but know that there are things we are supposed to do, and it is those things that I yearn for...
My trials might not seem as serious as others, but they are personal to me. I know that trials are a test in this life- they test our faith. My faith throughout the last year has not been without fail, I have definitely had periods of doubt after hours and hours of prayer and personal suffering. However, I know that these trials are for my growth, which is the only thing that keeps me hanging on. I'm not sure that I can say that I am grateful for my tribulations, but I acknowledge and understand that without them I would not appreciate all the blessings that I have. Blessings cannot be without trials, for we would not know them. The same goes for good and evil, right and wrong. So, now onto my blessings...
First and foremost, my family. I would be nothing without Chloe & Berkley, they are my world. Chad is so amazing, so much so that words cannot describe my love, adoration, and appreciation. My parents (yep, that's you mom and dad) for the foundation of the person I have become and for your undying love and support through all of my decisions, ups and downs. And for a "big" brother whom I shared some of the best years of my life (love you, Mike, that is if you are even reading this). I would be unappreciative if I didn't include probably the most involved grandparents anyone could have ever asked for as a child (and an adult). Family is everything, it is eternal, and it is where you find more love than anywhere on this earth. I love all of you so much; you all are my greatest blessings!!
I'm grateful for being a mother. Being a mom is definitely not the easiest job (not to mention, it's not the cleanest), but it is eternally rewarding. Even though I am up almost all night with Berkley most days (and sometimes I wonder why I even go to bed) and there are days when I swear Chloe doesn't hear a word that comes out of my mouth, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to bring these spirits to earth and have this experience. I am grateful to care, love, and nurture these sweet girls, to help and watch them grow. They make me smile every day (though some days less than others), and I wouldn't trade them for anything...
My faith is an ultimate blessing; without it, I would not have the strength to even attempt to get through these hard times. I know that I am a child of God, that He loves me and will lead me if I choose to follow. I know that Christ gave his life for me, for us so that we didn't have to suffer as he did. My suffering pales in comparison... And with Him all things are possible, so I try daily to remember that through Him I can overcome the trials I have been given.
I love each and every one of you who read this; you all have a special place in my heart as you all have touched my life in small and miraculous ways. I hope that my venting all of the feelings I've had in my heart will not make you take pity on me, but that it will give you hope that you too can get through difficult times. I know I can with faith, even if it sometimes seems out of reach. It all comes back to our Heavenly Father and our goal of returning to live with him. Thanks for listening....
Love, Jen
Saturday, September 3, 2011
It's been awhile...
Chad and I also celebrated our 6th anniversary- WOW! I can't believe we've been married for that long, but what a wonderful six years has it been. Some of the THOUSANDS of highlights include being sealed for time and all eternity in the Logan temple, our graduation (I say "our" because I couldn't have done it without Chad) from USU, our beautiful Chloe, Chad getting hired on at Utah State, sweet little Berkley, and years of laughter and fun! We have been so blessed and are eternally grateful for all the blessings we have received throughout these six years! I absolutely cannot wait to see what the next six years have in store...
It has been a crazy last couple of months, and I'm hoping that September will allow for a bit of a slow down (though we are already going back to Illinois two weeks from now- holy cow!) so that I can keep up on my blogging! Thanks for being patient and checking back a million times with nothing new to see! I love all of you and appreciate you following our little family story. May more fun and exciting stories head your way :-)
Some Chloeisms and a word about Berkley's words
A trip to the zoo & some playing, too!
Berkley and I weren't sure what to do with ourselves without Chloe around. It was definitely quiet; it was a complete flashback from when it was just Chloe and me. So, what did we do? Well, Berk and I put a shape puzzle together, she emptied out our chalk container and picked up several times, we had a small snack, and then she "cooked" me some food. It was nice to have some one-on-one time with Berkley (she defintely deserves it), but it was great to have Chloe home again (and noisy, too)!
Chloe's dance class lasts through December. It would typically go through May, but her instructor (Angela) is expecting at the end of January and won't be able to go much longer than December, which is to be expected! So, she will have a recital on December 3, and she is stoked! She keeps talking about wanting to dance on stage, and before we know it she will have her chance!