Tuesday, August 14, 2012

But, let me explain!

So yes, I do realize it has been quite some time since I've posted (a month, to be exact), but there are MANY words to explain why...

Triping (to Colorado)
Unpacking (sigh)
BUSY(yes, I realize this is obvious, but it's so true!)
Dating- Chad and I dating each other is what I mean, as in we went on a date for our 7th anniversary
Goodbye.... We love you and miss you, Kenny!
Tears (which fell and continue to fall)
Gratitude (for all the blessings we have in this life)
Busy. Yes busy, again.  Isn't that what summer is all about??  Well, I am going to try to fit blogging into the busy category this weekend, though we have a ton of fun things coming up!

All of those words above will be posts, well, maybe not all individually, but I will be telling you all about them.  As I strive to continue with being caught up on my blog, I ask you to remember that what I am doing that might make me slack a bit, per se, is this: cherishing every moment with the ones I love.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!  Thanks for stopping in, and please come back to read about all of the events that have been going on (and some things that have simply been swimming through my head for the last little while).

Much love,

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