Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chloe-ism #5

This one needs a little background explanation, so bear with me!

Berkley pooped the other morning, so I took her to change her diaper. After changing it and disrobing her (she almost always poops out), I laid her on my bed to run and get her some clothes for the day. I come back in the room and find Chloe sitting in front of Berkley...

Me: What are you doing, Chloe?
- I see Berkley with her diaper undone and Chloe wiping her bum with a wetwipe-
Chloe: Changing Berkley's bum. She pooped a big one, Mommy!
Me: I already changed her diaper, and she doesn't need another one!

I guess that's what I get for helping Chloe change her diaper the other day after she REPEATEDLY asked me to do so :-)

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