Saturday, March 2, 2013

part deux (Christmas & into January)

OK, so it is extremely obvious that I did not do what I had set out to do (update this humble blog that weekend I said I would), but I am getting to it, so that's all that counts, right?!?

We have been SUPER busy preparing our home and ourselves for this sweet baby (who is to come in 5 weeks- holy cow it's coming soon)!!  But, on my long(ish) list of to-dos is updating the blog before he comes, so this is my actual attempt at doing so :)

Here is what you missed from Christmas through Chloe's birthday:

 {Berkley running around Great Grandma & Great Papa's like crazy!}
 {I love this picture. Isn't it precious?!?}
 {Is it that obvious that my children have never seen a fireplace started before?}
 {Berk, Em & Chloe.  How sweet}
 {Uncle Mike brings out the goofiness in everyone}
 {the girls modeling their cupcake headbands, and they truly are both cupcakes (or fruitcakes... either one)}
 {Yeah, not really sure about this one, just thought it was cute!}
 {Sisterly love}
 {all dolled up in their Christmas dresses and their fabulous pink boots compliments of Uncle D & Aunt Rhonda!!}
 {Grandma Bernie and the girls- this was the best one since Berkley was not into looking at the camera on this given day}
 {Chloe digging deep in her stocking as to not miss a thing!}
{Berk was super stoked to have so many presents to open!}
{27 weeks}
 {29 weeks}
 {Berkley showing off her belly, despite the fact that she really wasn't too happy about it!}

HOLY COW!  Chloe turned 5!!! I remember when she was just a little baby, and now she is all grown up!
 {She was SUPER excited to get a LeapPad Explorer for her birthday!}
 {Being the unconventional little girl she is, she went with a birthday treat other than cake.  Her treat consisted of three of her favorites: caramels, no-bake chocolate/peanut butter cookies, and tootsie rolls, all of which were homemade!}
 {Here she is excited and ready to blow!}
{Ahh, how children also love simple things!  Chad & I got her some air-dry clay.  It would be a gross understatement to say that she and Berkley LOVE it!}

OK, so I realize we haven't formally done before/afters of our home, but I promise I will do a full on post sometime in the future (hopefully in the nearer future rather than my usual do it in a month or more)!  We've finally gotten to a good place in our front room, and we're really happy with how things have turned out so far!  This picture isn't even fully updated as we added a rug and a couple more things to sit out, but at least you'll get the gist!

 {I l.o.v.e. the old apple crates we found and re-purposed as book shelves in our funny little nook}
 {Please don't laugh, but this frame arrangement literally took me months to get right (at least in my mind)}
 {Here is a full on shot of the front room area!  You will all literally die when you see the befores... imagine dark blue walls and a half wall that blocked the tables to the left up to where the chair and window are with shiny red-like laminate.  Crazy!}
{Chad did a wonderful job installing our t.v. we bought with Christmas $$$!  I love that it is recessed, and it's so great to have a t.v. upstairs that isn't tiny like the one in our bedroom.}

Well, that wraps up this post!  To come is the very end of January up until now.
You've got the following to look forward to:
*the girls' dance at the basketball game*
*more pregnancy photos*
*befores and afters of the baby's bedroom*
*a couple of snow days*
and likely some randoms (I know I'll be making an Instagram post because I seriously have gotten some super cute pics of the girls over the past couple of months)!

Thanks for checking in :)

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