Saturday, January 30, 2010

Random Chloe & pregnancy progression

The other day Chloe wanted to take her baby to see Dr. "Kenna" (though most of you know it is McKenna, but she typically leaves the "mc" off). She wanted her wallet and keys in her purse, and we even packed a diaper bag (on the other side of the stroller) filled with a blanket, toy, and some food. We "rode" the bus to his office and then we got off to go see him! It was really cute! By the time we made it to the "office," she had lost interest and started giving puzzle pieces to her baby :-)
Here she is concentrating on giving her puzzle pieces to the baby. I know I say this all the time (and I see her all the time so you'd think I'd get used to it), but look at all those gold locks! Too beautiful :-)
This picture was sort of taken against my will, though I was willing because I wish I had tracked my progression better with Chloe (I took only a couple of pictures toward the end). I feel like several family members have asked about my "bump" and if it's growing, so I thought this would take care of it for everyone! I apologize that I have on a light colored top and have a white background; this is the unfortunate part of renting... Anyway, this is me at 23 1/2 weeks. I am growing, and I think I've finally got to put away my largest pair of jeans (which I'm wearing in the picture) because I have the biggest mark on my stomach from them and the baby tends to kick right along the waistband like it's squishing her!

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