Monday, November 7, 2011

our family

We decided a little over a month ago that we really needed to get some new family pictures, especially since Christine kept mentioning that they needed new pictures for their frames!  So, we chose a couple of weekends (just before it got cold and snowy) and went to a couple of locations to take some fun pictures.  Chad & I have spent some hours playing around with them on Photoshop; it was so fun to change the effects, colors, and whatnot!  It has really made me want to do more photography!  Anyone need pictures taken? :-)  Enjoy!

I especially love Chloe jumping in this picture!  Haha, so typical of her :-)

I had fun changing this photo to an old looking one by adding texture.  So fun!
This one is cute because Chloe was truly trying to slide off of the chair.
I love realistic shots, and this one captures us being real... silly!

Love this one!  I got this idea off of Pinterest, and Chad made it happen. 

We brought our sewing desk chair as a prop; it worked really well with all the yellows and oranges of the leaves!  And isn't she so cute?!?
What a cute little 4-Wheeler bridge we stumbled upon up by Downey.  The girls had fun once they were certain it wasn't going to move on them :-)
Love this playful back shot
We captured Chloe throwing the leaves, which looks amazing.  I used a sun faded photo effect to create the coloring in this picture.

Love this chunky monkey!
Chloe was freezing but wouldn't admit it after she whined to come to the playground.  Thought I'd capture that for memory :-)
Berk was trying to figure out why Chloe wasn't playing ;-)

Same idea here as the one near the top, expect this focused on the girls rather than on us.  They weren't as centered as we had planned, but they are both looking.  Don't you love Chloe's finger up her nose??
I honestly don't like picture with me in them, but we decided that maybe we should have a picture of the two of us considering the fact that we hadn't since before Chloe was born. 
A relaxed shot
It's funny because Chloe can't see with her hair in her face, while Berkley is looking up at the sky being silly.  So silly, but so true to form!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

October Randomness

 Thursday has been our regular day to keep Halle, and we love it, especially Chloe!  These girls have SO much fun :-)
 Those blue eyes make me melt...
 The Wednesday before Halloween the girls had a party at dance.  Chloe in her Princess Jasmine costume and Halle as Minnie Mouse- so cute!  They were ecstatic that they could wear their costumes to dance :-)
 Berk felt a little left out, so she jumped in to take a few pictures.  I love her cheese... hilarious!!
 They were "sleeping" under the table after they decorated their "bedroom" with cookie cutters and randomness from Chloe's room.  She slept on a blanket and her pillow pet, while Berkley slept on Chloe's car seat broken down :-)
Cute, cute!!  Love these girlies!